
Today we celebrate my husband’s first Father’s Day and I want to take you back to when I knew he would be an amazing Father. To give you a little perspective on how special he is, read this beautiful spotlight post written from Rome on Seattle Children’s Page.


In 2013, Rome and I had been dating for two years, and we knew we were in this for the long run. Rome was the one that said to me early on, “I am not dating for a girlfriend; I am dating to find my future wife.” So, it was common for us to have these deep conversations about our future. In the early years, Rome, like in his post, shared the scars and trauma he had from a father who wasn’t around. Father’s Day would come, and he would dread the day. A cloud of sadness would follow him, and no matter what I did, he couldn’t shake it. I couldn’t relate to his situation, but I did listen on those days when he felt like opening up. So when we were sitting together eating dinner in 2013, it came to no surprise how our conversation went.

I asked Rome if he wanted a family, and with no hesitation, he said YES. I want to be a father because I want to give my child endless love. I want to be there for every birthday; I want to be present for every little moment. The fact that he was using his wounds to become a better man shows you the type of man I have in my life. We sat there, and on a napkin, we wrote baby names for our future kids. We were both under the impression we would have boys, so Caliyah Joy Johnson was not on our list. I am so happy that we have a girl though, it’s like God knew what Rome needed to heal those wounds, a Daddy’s girl.


Now fast forward to 2020, and here we are with our daughter just turning five months old, and her entire life has been lived in a hospital room. Rome has exceeded any expectations and hopes that I could have had for the father of my child. The day we found out about her syndrome, he was the strong one. He was the one with immense faith; it was his idea to pray over Cali as a family nightly. It was him who told me it would be okay and that she would be okay. He would play her music and rub my belly while singing to her, and she would kick like crazy. So, I am not surprised to see how their beautiful bond has blossomed to what it is today. When she sees her daddy, she gets the biggest smile and makes the cutest little kicks.

So to my love thank you, for loving our daughter with every inch of your heart. I have come to grips that she is a true daddy’s girl, and I know your bond will be the foundation on how she moves in this world. To realize she deserves unconditional love. She will grow up and read your weekly letters to her and know she was loved since day one. Your love fuels this family and goodness I wouldn’t want to be on this parenthood journey with anyone else but you. I know these last five months have been hard on you, as you’ve started a new job, took a shorter leave to provide for our family, and had to take a backseat in her daily cares. All of your behind the scenes work does not go unnoticed. You are indeed the rock and foundation of this family. The fact that she came out looking just like you makes me smile. That she gets filled with excitement every time she sees you, causes my heart to burst. Our girl feels your love.

I hope you know you broke the cycle; you did what you said you would, YOU ARE A PHENOMENAL DAD. I know the only present you want for Father’s Day is our baby home, it will be a little late, but she’s coming home.